A few weeks ago was Prescott's Annual Acker night herein
Arizona. Its a festive time when our town square is all lite up with
Christmas lights, merchants stay open late and Christmas Carolers are
throughout the streets. My girlfriends were coming for the weekend so
I was busy making holiday desserts for them. I needed some girlfriend time,
and couldn't wait to see them. I wanted to share some of what I've been
baking with you...
My friends and I having dinner at Papas in downtown Prescott
Our annual girls Christmas weekend get together
These are pictures of my girlfriends and I at Prescott's Acker Night. They come down every year for the weekend. We eat, shop, laugh, stay up late and watch "the Holiday" and shop somemore. We have the best time....
Hello and welcome Pendeur's! I hope you will return once I have had a chance to begin filling it with images of the tasty treats I create in my business! See you soon!